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Tabancos & Tuna in Jerez

RUTA DE LOS TABANCOS Y EL ATÚN DE ALMADRABA  gastronomía  Guía de Cádiz - Mozilla Firefox 22072014 113426

Yesterday I was thinking about spending a few days in Granada as I haven’t been there in a couple of years, but my usual research tool (Twitter) wasn’t giving me any inspired ideas, so I suddenly switched gears and am now leaving tomorrow for an impromptu Jerez Getaway… and I couldn’t be happier. Seems I am hitting many of the bodegas before they go into serious “summer schedules” and I also get to enjoy this! A special route of Tabancos & Tuna… made to order. Tapas and a drink (sherry of course!) for just 3 euros.

Still looking for accommodation – stay tuned and follow @AzaharTravels and @AzaharTapas for a full report on Jerez in summer, great places to stay, things to do, and … tapas! Hashtag #JerezGetaway