Azahar Tapas is an extension of both my Sevilla Tapas and Azahar Travels sites and it is a personal collection of tapa bars and restaurants that I have visited in Andalucía, outside of Sevilla.
You can search for a city on the Tapas Bars & Restaurants drop-down category menu in the sidebar – the tapas bars and restaurants in each city are listed as sub-categories.
My reviews are kept brief because I think that the photos say more about the various bars & restaurants, and say it better, than I could with words. But I do include all the basic information: location, opening times, type of food.
As with Sevilla Tapas, Azahar Tapas isn’t commercially driven. There is no advertising and no restaurants pay me to put them here. The main criteria for whether to add a tapas bar or restaurant used to be “would I recommend this place to a friend?”, but then I had a change in policy and I am now including places that I’ve visited and don’t recommend, to help keep people from making the same mistake.
Price and quality are rated like this:
€ cheap
€ € inexpensive
€ € € medium priced
€ € € € medium-high
€ € € € € expensive

Please feel free to leave your comments and queries!