Category: Getaways

  • Antequera | Parador Hotel

      Back in February I won a free night for two including breakfast at the Parador of my choice and had decided to stay at the fabulous castle one in Carmona, but then found out that this wasn’t included in the list of available choices for Andalucía. So I ended up going to Antequera, which…

  • Tío Pepe Returns to the Sun

    Back in May I found out that I’d won one of the limited edition commemorative bottles of Tío Pepe, celebrating the return of the iconic neon sign to Puerta del Sol after a three-year absence. Well, it looked for awhile like I might not ever get it as the delivery company (which shall remain nameless)…

  • Horse Racing in Sanlúcar de Barrameda

    I have ALWAYS wanted to do this. And now I have. For years I’ve heard about the wonderful sounding horse races on the beach in Sanlúcar de Barrameda and every August I have somehow never managed to make it. In part I blame the very shoddy public transport between Sevilla and Sanlúcar… nothing, and I…

  • Málaga | Hinestrosa Siete Holiday Apartments

    I am just back from two wonderful whirlwind weeks in Málaga, my second home here in Spain. As some of you know, usually when I visit Málaga I stay at my friend Manolo’s apartment on the Malagueta beach, but normally only for a weekend or a few days at a time. This time I was…