air fryer roasties

Okay, this recipe has been a long time coming… so long in fact that I’d forgotten I hadn’t posted it until someone asked me on Instagram the other day. Let’s just say I’ve been attempting to perfect air fryer roasties ever since I first got the beast almost three years ago. The main way these differ from their oven-roasted counterparts is that it’s not really convenient to heat up the oil (or goose fat) until almost spitting before adding the potatoes because I’ve found these turn out better in the air fryer by putting them directly in the hot basket (no pan). So what I do is douse the potatoes in lovely evoo (or sometimes a combo of evoo and melted butter), quickly toss them and throw them into the pre-heated basket, giving them a shake every ten minutes and squirting them with a bit more evoo if they look like they need it.

As I say, I’ve tried several variations and they were all good, but not quite “there” yet, if you know what I mean. And then I came across Nigella’s recipe for Perfect Roast Potatoes which included a dredging in semolina after par-boiling and just before hitting the hot goose fat. So two things… I couldn’t find semolina anywhere here and wasn’t using spitting hot oil. And so instead I threw a handful of panko crumbs over the hot and freshly evoo-doused par-boiled potatoes, gave that a toss, and then right into the hot basket. And hey… success.

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cauliflower and broccoli soup

I have kind of a sweet deal with my flatmate Peter. I do all the cooking, he does all the washing up. But this also means that, as we mostly eat our main meal together at home I have to eschew a few ingredients that Peter can’t abide: brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli and cucumber. And I LOVE all of those things. Anyhow, yesterday I cooked up a whack of fabada for him to, well eat, and also freeze for future solo lunches. So that was his cosy winter lunch sussed for today and I decided to give in to two of my favourite veg: cauliflower and broccoli.

I first made this soup during lockdown and found it sooo comforting but forgot to write it down. It’s simple and with very few ingredients, but today I also forgot (because it’s been so long!) that I used to add a small diced cooked potato to the mix to give it a bit of texture, so I steamed that separately after everything else was ready to go and added it. I also used these cute mini broccoli and cauliflower as it’s just for me. I reckon it’s no more expensive than having most of a massive and cheaper cauliflower rot in the fridge. ANYHOW. To make it totally vegetarian swap chicken broth for veggie broth, for vegans just omit the yoghurt topping. The sourdough croutons add great crunchy texture.

Ingredients and instructions below…

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leek, onion & potato soup

When I was at the market the other day I saw some nice looking leeks and suddenly thought I’d like to try making potato and leek soup. To be honest, I don’t even know if I’d ever had potato and leek soup before, but on a wintry weekend it sounded like just the thing. So after going through a few online recipes I did my usual mashup and it turned out great, with a lovely smooth texture, total comfort food (and even better the next day). Some of the recipes I saw added cream after blending but I wanted to keep it “lighter” and it was quite filling as it was.

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papas bravas casa del tigre

I have been missing La Casa del Tigre so much, their wonderful staff (who are also my friends), and their amazing food, especially THESE layered papas bravas. Happily chef Luis was kind enough to give me their recipe the other day, and then also gave me permission to post it here. As you can see from the photo below, my homemade ones didn’t quite turn out as perfectly as theirs, but they were still damn good. At Tigre they serve them with bravas sauce and alioli. I used their bravas sauce recipe but had mine with salsa az, since I usually have some made up in the fridge.

The recipe calls for agar agar to help bind the potatoes together while cooking, but I didn’t have any. Will try it with next time. Also, Luis told me that for weight on top of the potatoes while they are cooking in the oven they have a special pan that fits over/into the baking pan they use. I used light bricks, which may have been a bit too heavy (?) as mine were decidedly “squishier” than the Tigre ones. But that also may have been due to me not having as many layers. Whatevs, these are delicious. And although this takes time to prepare it’s not a difficult dish to make.

Note: to make a smaller quantity I found that 1 kilo of potatoes works well with an 18cm x 18cm pan.

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hasselback potatoes

I have only made hasselbacks once before now, a few years ago, and it was a disaster. They took forever to prepare and while painstakingly slicing the the potatoes I cut through most of them. Plus someone had told me that the best way to prepare them was to put a sliver of cold butter between each slice (lies! lies!), making it the most time consuming (and frustrating) food prep ever.

Well, clearly I didn’t do enough research because I have since come across several recipes that mention THE SPOON and also that any ol’ kind of fat is fine, so I have opted for a 50/50 blend of melted butter and extra virgen olive oil. One thing I’ll do differently next time (and so should you) is only use half the fat at first and spoon over the rest after about half an hour in the oven, so avoid the butter getting too browned. They still turned out great but I was basting with the very browned fat at “half time” and think it’s better to add it fresh at that point. Also, best to use potatoes that are close to the same size. I was working with what was left of my “lockdown potatoes” .

I am SO going to make these again (and soon) because they keep well in the fridge for a few days (bring them back to room temp and then quickly reheat in the oven). You can also add different toppings, like cheese, garlicky bacon bits, whatever. I mean, they’re potatoes. Everything is great with them. Someone on Twitter told me that they call these “armadillos”, which I think is an even better name for them.

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feta spinach potato bake

Another Lockdown Lunch that happened by chance when I realised that I had a bag of baby spinach leaves that was starting to go off. So after washing and picking out some icky leaves I was left with about 3/4 of a bag, but that turned out to be plenty for what I had in mind. It also gave me a chance to break out the mandolin I’d bought back in September 2017, which only occurred to me because in a fit of cleaning  a couple of weeks ago I took it out of its box and ran it through the dishwasher. So it was all ready to go.

And well… OMG. There is no going back. I used it to thinly slice the potatoes and onions (no more tears!) and was actually way too excited about this, to be honest. But that’s fine, because during these long cloistered days I gotta get my thrills however and whenever. Anyhow, it’s a really easy recipe and you can play around with the ingredients, and amounts. The main thing is to bake the ingredients separately adding layers so that the potatoes cook through but are also a bit crispy.

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huevos rotos

Huevos rotos (literally “broken eggs” in Spanish) is a very traditional dish with many variations, but all including perfectly crispy fried eggs with soft yolks and fried potatoes. The ones you see below include jamón and chorizo Ibérico, caramalised onions and shaved truffle. The one you see above is my first attempt at making this at home. I used chorizo criollo and added some pimentón piquante as my favourite version so far (from Vineria San Telmo) includes spicy chorizo with lots of pimentón inside, which blends perfectly with the hot egg yolk and fried potatoes.

I served it with a tomato and spring onion salad, both of which are just coming into season now, and it was a great side dish that added a fresh touch and balanced the meal out quite nicely.

[huevos rotos at Gusto Ristobar, Vineria San Telmo & El Gallinero de Sandra]

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bacony leek & potato bake

Yesterday I saw some lovely looking leeks at the market and bought them without any idea of what I’d end up doing with them. In the end this is what I came up with – something autumny that included bacon, garlic and cheese. It was very tasty and easy to make, and quite nice comfort food…

Recipe and instructions below the links.

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marinated potatoes

This dish is ridiculously simple but for years I could never make it as well as the marinated potatoes served at Bodeguita Romero. Then one day I happened to be sitting at the bar when Pedro Romero started mixing up the house potatoes for the day and I discovered that the secret ingredient was vinagre de jerez. I believe Pedro was using a Pedro Ximenez vinegar, but I’ve since made this with the Reserva (aged in oak) and the potatoes come out AMAZING. I usually use small new potatoes, but any semi-waxy potato will do. I also noticed that Pedro didn’t use any utensils to toss the potatoes. Instead he picked up the large pot he was using as a receptacle by the side handles and tossed the whole thing up in a smooth rotating motion several times until the ingredients were well mixed.

Instructions below the links.

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