pescaíto frito

It all started on Twitter the other day when @OstreaEdulis asked me about the breading on some cazón en adobo that he was enjoying in Jerez. I said they were probably using harina para freír … and before I knew it I was in the market yesterday buying some fish and squid to fry. Then I stopped off at the supermarket to pick up some special flour for frying. I don’t fry much at home (prefer to let the tapas bars do it for me) so it had been a few years since I’d used this flour. I’d forgotten how perfect it was, giving a nice even coating and with a lovely “dry” finish – not greasy at all – as you can see in the two top pics (the bottom one is of pan-fried chiperones). Click to enlarge.

More photos and instructions below the links.

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creamy spinach with langostines & almonds

Seriously, this is almost obscenely delicious. I’ve had a couple of versions of it around town and the other day suddenly felt the urge to try it myself… and of course MY version is the best!  😉  It’s super easy, especially if you have a sous-chef to peel the langostines for you. Serve hot with some fresh crusty bread.

Ingredients and instructions below the links.

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tortilla de patatas

How could I have not put up a recipe for tortilla de patatas before now? It really is an easy and very versatile dish. This is your basic potato & onion version, which actually would have been prettier with a bit of chopped roasted red pepper tossed in. But really, the possibilities are somewhere this side of endless. Pick a filling you like and have fun. Spinach, onion & red pepper tortilla is also one of my faves, as is one made with just grated courgette and later topped with cheese and white pepper and put under the grill to finish. It also makes a great “butty” with sliced tomato and salsa az (see below).

Ingredients and instructions below…

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spinach, langostine & chorizo criollo risotto

Yep, another risotto. This one with fresh baby spinach leaves stirred in at the end – it’ll look like a lot of spinach at first but it wilts down a lot. Also very meaty with lots of chorizo criollo, which adds a lovely texture and flavour and goes very well with the langostines. Add some ground hot chilis to spice it up.

Ingredients & instructions below the links.

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asparagus, prawn & mushroom risotto

[click to enlarge]

It’s asparagus season in Seville and so I am always looking for different ways of preparing it. I’d never had an asparagus risotto before and thought … well, why not? It was gorgeous, with the addition of langostines and two kinds of mushrooms. And of course I saved enough asparagus to give to the cats as a treat.

Ingredients and instructions below the links.

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huevos rancheros al benedict

This one doesn’t really need a recipe. Just something I threw together this evening and it was so fast and delicious that I thought I’d share it here. A sort of eggs benedict/huevos ranchero combination. So, just toast a flour tortilla and then  spread some of The Sauce on it, add some wilted spinach, a fried egg and a dollop of tomato hot sauce.

Roll it up and … yum!

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lentils & sausages

My second attempt at cooking lentils and I really don’t know why I don’t make them more often, especially in winter. This is a variation of a recipe I found in Janet Mendel’s Cooking In Spain. Any kind of sausage can be used, or even left out for a vegetarian version, as lots of nice fresh veg also goes into this stew.

Photo of finished product and recipe below the links.

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