Tag: sanlucar

  • Sherry Tasting in Sanlúcar de Barrameda

    Hot on the heels of my whirlwind visit to sherry bodegas in Jerez I planned a trip to the home of manzanilla, Sanlúcar de Barrameda. I was curious to learn more about the differences between manzanilla and fino first hand, furthering my own sherry education so I could also better inform guests on my Introduction…

  • The Sanlúcar

    The Sanlúcar: manzanilla sherry, lime juice, olive oil, sugar, egg white, shaken over ice, with hierbabuena & angostura bitters to finish. Pretty much the perfect summer cocktail. And especially perfect when enjoyed at Café Azul on the Bajo de Guia in Sanlúcar de Barrameda at sunset. Cheers!