cilantro & lime hummus

cilantro lime hummus
Been a bit obsessed with adding fresh cilantro to things lately and so a couple of weeks ago I tried it in my basic hummus recipe and it was great. Later it struck me that it would be EVEN BETTER with lime juice instead of lemon… and it was! I wasn’t sure whether to include the stems or just use the cilantro leaves – in the end I opted for the latter. It’s super delicious and so versatile. Yesterday I had it with salt & pepper chicken fried in olive oil and basmati rice, today I’m planning to have some with crudité. And of course it would be great with corn chips.

If you want really super creamy hummus consider peeling the garbanzos. To be honest this is something I would never have considered myself until I accidently discovered an easy way to peel them in just a few minutes. Check out cripsy crunchy garbanzos for the method.

Recipe and ingredients below…

cilantro leaves

  • 1 – 19 oz/540 ml jar of garbanzo beans, drained & rinsed
  • 2-3 limes (about 3 tbsp juice)
  • 1 tbsp tahini (or 2 tbsp sesame oil)
  • 1-2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp tabasco sauce
  • 20 grams (approx) chopped cilantro leaves
  • 100 grams greek yoghurt (optional)

Put all the ingredients except the yoghurt and chopped cilantro leaves into a blender and blend on low speed until smooth. I find a hand-held blender works best.

Stir in yoghurt and cilantro. That’s it!

Keeps well in refridgerator for up to 5 days. Once you have tried it you can adjust the seasoning to taste. I always like a little extra hot sauce.


cilantro hummus with chickencilantro & lime hummus with salt & pepper chicken fried in olive oil and blackpeppercorn basmati

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